Friday, December 31, 2010

Blogger Templates With Tamil Wordings

The old year has passed

One year blog "Musica in tempore" - my brief personal balance sheet is mixed. On one hand I'm quite happy with the response, as reflected in the number of readers - my heartfelt thanks go especially to all colleagues from the Catholic Blogözese who have contributed links to their blogs to spread and continue to do so do. On the other hand, I had to find that the regular "Befütterung" a blog with interesting content and high-quality contributions over time in availing myself as this was possible last year. The intention in future to be more active, - if it will work out, time will tell.
Two posts of this blog have this year experienced an above average attention. Whether I should be happy about it, I do not know, since both dealt with rather unpleasant subject. Personal MEMORIES of my time with singer Domkapellmeister em. Georg Ratzinger had been triggered by the abuse reports that shook the cathedral choir. And my LAMENTO about the scandalous actions of the German Bishops' Conference regarding the new translation of the German Missal causing quite a stir.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all readers who have their time and attention devoted to the reading of my posts and contributed comments to this blog alive. I wish you all a good start in the new year and God's blessing for your personal and professional lives and work.

Starting Over in the year of our Lord 2011!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wear Thong With Dress

Verbum caro factum est

all our readers I heartily wish a happy and blessed Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gold Plated Desert Eagle Legal In California

A Choral phobia ...

... in the diocese of Passau, a friend recently noted in an interview. And it seems that he has not so wrong. Officially, this fact confirms semi private observation by a statistic that was published these days on the diocese's own HOMEPAGE .
are therefore in a variety of church music groups of the Diocese of total 12 512 people active, distributed as follows:

263 adult choirs: 5899 (47.1%);
102 children choirs: 1,852 (14.8%);
91 instrumental groups / NGL: 1,827 (14.6%);
80 youth choirs: 1,335 (10.7%);
72 Wind Ensemble: 1,442 (11.5%);
8 small groups of children: 129 (1.0%);
Choralschola 5: 28 (0.2%) .

"can build diocesan music director Dr. Marius Schwemmer with great volunteer work when he tells those impressive numbers," writes the diocese. In fact, "significant numbers", which by the Second Vatican Council so clearly required care concerns of Gregorian chant as the "mother of all church music." Even the toddlers musicians exceed Choral singers in number by five times. As you wonder nothing more in terms of the parlous state of the church music in this country.

"The Church considers the Gregorian chant as the song of the Roman liturgy, therefore he is liturgical in their actions, take if, moreover, are given the same conditions, the first place."
Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
"Sacrosanctum Concilium" No. 116
Where are the council Saner connoisseur?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

China Cosmetic Import

In memoriam ... Tungsten Mens Chick

Weber Tobias, tungsten mens Chick, Eric Weber, Herbert Paul Michl

Prof. Dr. hc Tungsten Mens Chick
Born on 28 October 1937 in Pielenhofen
1969-2002 Director of Music, organist
and diocesan music director of the diocese of Eichstätt
Died on 8 December 2010 was in Eichstätt

Prof. Wolfram Mens Chick our publishing, by publishing his motet "Cantantibus organis" connected, he in 2007 on the occasion of the 70th had written my father's birthday, Eric Weber. The photo above shows him (2nd from left) at the birthday party for Eric Weber, who presented the commemorative was, in this composition is printed.
Tungsten Mens Chick one of the most productive and most-sung composers of sacred music of the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council has passed away. May the Lord repay him, whose praise he sang tirelessly and composed, his lifelong faithful service to the Musica Sacra rich.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Rid Of Impetigo Fast

light of the world!

"A man you might call in a dark room - even then he would still shine."
BENEDETTA how right you are!

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Should I Get Ready To Take The Asvab

to Daily

Cecilia and Valerian
(apse mosaic in S. Cecilia, Rome)

all my colleagues and of course ladies, who as church musicians and composers worrying about the right care of the Musica Sacra , I wish for today's feast of our patroness, the Virgin and Martyr Cecilia, all the very best and as much fun as steadfastness in not often easy service!

Today more than ever we should entrust to the intercession of the venerable saint, already the Roman Meßkanon to the Holy City of Rome is one. And we should not be swayed by self-proclaimed "experts" who direct the patronage Cecilia as well as their lives into the realm of fable and dismissed as a misfortune of hagiography want. Although ostensibly led the mention of the organ in her legendary Vita create its patronage, it is still a deep theological thought that Cecilia makes the legitimate protection of women of all those people whom the church music is not only external decoration, but an essential expression of human speech with and to God.
In the following I would like this (shortened) some thoughts , For which I cite on this subject in the publication "SOLI DECANTABAT DOMINO" 70 I published my father's birthday Erich Weber in 2007.

"The starting point of all reflections on music patronage of saints is a text from their amour. Cecilia was at an early age a vow of virginity saved for Christ's sake. However, it should make it that, but young pagan Valerian are given in marriage. To to keep faithful to Christ, she prayed to God with fasting and prayer to preserve their virginity:
"It came the day when the bridal chamber was ready, and while the organ sounded, she sang [Cecilia] alone in her heart to the Lord and said, My heart and flesh may remain unsullied, so I'm not ashamed "
This text, which had included the 1263-1273 resulting portrayal of the famous" Golden Legend "of the. Dominican friar and Genoese Archbishop Jacobus de Voragine is based, found in two versions included in the Divine Office for the Feast of St. Cecilia, 22 November, which since about the eighth Century is celebrated. In the first watch of the Matins Responsorium is after the first reading:
"While the organ was played, the virgin Cecilia sang in her heart, the Lord alone and said, "It may remain Lord, my heart and my body unspotted, so I'm not ashamed. - While they fasted and prayed two or three days, she confided to the Lord that which frightens you: may it remain Lord, my heart and my body unspotted, so I'm not ashamed "
appears in abbreviated form. the text as the first antiphon for Lauds and Vespers:
"While the organ was heard singing, and Cecil to the Lord said, My heart be undefiled, so I'm not ashamed."
is to these two texts noted. What seems clear, to the fact that it was in this music for the wedding of Cecilia to pagan music, and that their mention of the sharp contrast between the exuberant secular wedding noise and the quiet inner prayer of the Holy identify the "in her heart sang God alone" . Joseph Ratzinger, today Pope Benedict XVI., Has been involved in several notable publications with the theology of music and show that this view is characteristic of the Church's conception of music of the Church Fathers to Thomas Aquinas and beyond. In a particularly flagrant articulated St. Jerome's rejection of a church music especially the self-representation of performers is:
"psallieren singing and praising God, we need more with the spirit as with the voice. May these young people and those entrusted with the duty of the Psallierens in church listening to sing that one God is not with the voice, but with the heart must be that they do not smear in the nature of the tragedian throat and stomach with sweet products allowed, so theatrically in church sound stilted and ornate melodies, but that her God through piety, good works and knowledge of the Scriptures have praise. "
This setting of the ancient Church is clearly expressed in the Responsorium at Matins expressed to convey as the antiphon for Lauds and Vespers antiphons in their poetry quite common omissions may feel as though even Cecilia sang to the accompaniment of the organ. Supports the latter interpretation of the linguistic ambiguity of the Latin ablative absolute cantantibus organis , the almost contradictory translations are allowed, "while the organ sounded," although the organ sounded, "where the organ was played" within the meaning of "to the organ sound" - all options are possible, if only i n corde suo soli [Domino decantabat] omitted.
(...) can thus be stated in summary, first, that the St Cecilia came to her office as a saint of music from a purely historical perspective, "like the Virgin Mary for the child." During and even at their wedding reception the usual wheel there was a pagan festival musical society, prayed - "sang" - she stopped for itself, "in her heart" to God alone to preserve the stored Jungfräulichkeitsgelübdes. Only medieval popular piety, the ambiguity of a liturgical text took advantage on her feast day, rose them to the rank of a patron saint of music, his tools and people involved.
appears Given the above considerations of patronage, however, always justified, and the unerring sense of the faithful seems to the superficial wisdom of professional historians to lie. Cecilia is in their legend clearly be related to music, that's for sure. The manner in which their relationship is portrayed to the music, fits also perfectly into the theology of music as an example was set by the Holy Pope Gregory the Great:
"If (...) from the singing of the psalm the intimacy of the heart out sounds, the Lord Almighty will through him access to the heart (...). Thus it is written: 'A song of praise brings me honor, and this is the way in which I will show him God's salvation' (Ps. 49.23). Indeed, what in Latin salutare, medical means, that is Jesus in Hebrew. In praise therefore access is created where Jesus can reveal himself. "
The legend of St. Cecilia certifies a role model just because of this" sincerity of heart "that made their prayers and their songs are a way to God. It is rightly revered as the patron saint of musicians and their art - and, well, not only as a patroness of church music, but the music in general, such as "all true art (..) approximation to the 'artist', in Christ, the Creator Spirit" (Joseph Ratzinger). Even the church musicians of our day maturity, would be well advised to rediscover their patron saint as a model. Only there, where external actions with the singing of the heart to the Lord alone together, music can cross the border to the heathen to the true church music and noise, yes to musica divina be. "

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pink Tinged Mucus Early Pregnancy

Questionable Awards ...

.. . there this week to record several times. The Nobel Prize in Medicine for the "inventor" of the test-tube baby is one of them, but it is not the issue here.

The Nuremberg Burg Theater today announced the WINNERS OF THE GERMAN COMEDY AWARD 2010 . The prize of 6,000 euros first prize was awarded in 1969 born comedian Hagen Rether .

Hagen Rether: In its reasoning, the prize committee, among other things writes (Photo: Wikipedia)
"Hagen Rether - born in Bucharest, grew up in Freiburg, now in Food alive - who invented the cabaret on and with the new piano softly chatting. he asks his audience in a unique way with lightning-fast themes Jump highest attention and concentration. Without false regard for political correctness, he is always under the same program title love in a constantly evolving program, the world becoming more complicated and sometimes question themselves. He is gently but insistently the wolf in sheep's clothing and exposed to bitter bad examples, the pervasive hypocrisy and double standards "
So you can of course also formulate Who -.. As, unfortunately, I - one of those who ever had the money thrown out for a ticket to a live performance by the "artist" to the window have, however, can also come to a different résumé. The piano and the wing is in this supposed "musical revue" hardly a walk-on out, and the program is Rether anything in question, not only his own overflowing ego. What I visited after the evening was particularly remember was the feeling of adversity in the face of countless vicious attacks on the faith and the church - and I mean only to a particular church - and their highest representatives.
cabaret shall certainly much, and I belong to those who love to have a pronounced good, and sharp political and social cabaret. But as a decidedly anti-Catholic Dreckschleuder award reveals either a lack of suitable candidates, or the inferiority of the price.

The special award, equipped with 2000 € prize money in 1964 in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz born Lizzy Aumeier :

Lizzy Aumeier (Photo: www.
"A woman, a bass and a sure sense of the spontaneous interaction with the audience - that Lizzy Aumeier trademarks and perseverance she has in recent years it. very own format of the musical comedy developed body. With perfect timing, precise casualness and hard to opportunities which wit it shows breathtakingly funny slapstick, which makes it one of the funniest women on German cabarets. "
Her in, you can look back with mixed feelings on this award, even if . they were their already from farm teams affinity begrudge "Musical Body Comedy" is a very euphemistic way of saying they are preferably areas devoted to break too easily the limits of good taste down The bass is -. as in Hagen Rether the wing - more props as a necessity. However, one has to admire their willingness to draw their own (quite kontrabaßverwandte) figure to be mercilessly ridiculed - as much self-denial does not bring to any woman whose body mass index beyond good and evil lies. But - that alone is worth the money?

The awards ceremony will be held on 8 January 2011 in the Tafelhalle Nuremberg.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Buy Old Military Boats

to Daily

wish Happy Day of all I, who have the name of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael! Beautiful thoughts to today's fixed colleague GIOVANNI brings on his blog: cum Tobia Raphael, Gabriel cum Maria, Michael cum caelesti hierarchia .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Honey X Honey Drop Raw


Protopresbyter mitrophoros
Dr. Andreas Thiermeyer

has just reached me via e-mail the happy news that our dear father's friend Dr. Andreas Their Meyer, I made the acquaintance of my wonderful wife owe us and once married, on 10 October, the honorary title of Archimandrite awarded:
"honorary title" Archimandrite "for pilgrimage Rector Andreas Thiermeyer - Church of Ukraine recognizes achievements of Eichstätt diocesan priest
Eichstätt / Velburg. (Pde) - Bishop Milan Sasik, Mukachevo (Ukraine), on 10 October Eichstätter the diocesan priest, Dr. Andreas Thiermeyer the honorary title "Archimandrite" give. In a solemn liturgy will present the Bishop the crucifix, the epigonation (a liturgical garment of the Eastern Church) and the crook. With this award, Bishop Milan Sasik the great merits of animal Andreas Meyer for the Catholic Churches of the East, particularly for the Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo that it is in the time acquired as rector of the Collegium Orientale and as Chairman of the Community Action Cyril and Methodius. Bishop Milan Sasik is taking with this assessment, a custom which in the Greek and Slavic churches until the 18th Century decline.
Andreas Meyer animal was ordained priest in 1977 for the diocese of Eichstätt. From 1998 to 2008 he directed the Collegium Orientale Eichstätt. Since 2008 he has been rector of the pilgrimage Habsberg and director of the diocesan youth house. Thiermeyer was awarded in 2002 by Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine, the title of a mitrierten Proto presbyter (priest). Thiermeyer is the consultor Vatican Eastern Churches Congregation. "
The heartiest congratulations to our entire family to you, dear Andrew, honorable about this award!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Extreme Curves Free Gallery

Whenever you think ...

.. ... it could no longer get worse, will meet the bishops' conference - this sigh of a friendly church musician today confirms that PRESS RELEASE OF DBK to the end of this year's fall General Assembly once again how there can be found under the section 7 "Liturgy":
" Ordo Missae - German Translation:
We have dealt with the German translation of the Missal (Ordo Missae) in 2002. The Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner has presented to us as President of the Episcopal Commission Ecclesia Celebrans, the newly developed translation for resolution. (...)
The German Bishops' Conference now sets the new measurement texts to the Roman authorities for its approval "
So far, so good, one would think -..? In fact, one wonders one after the introduction of the Editio typica tertia of the Missale Romanum in 2002, once over a three year long wait of the competent bishops, until finally 2005 Commission is constituted, that an interaction of openness and transparency, said that the Italian Mafia whether such "omerta" would be green with envy - out members of the Commission, similar to the search for a needle in the Internet and the website http: / / is in their timeliness almost surpassed the Book of Genesis. Since you have still the STATEMENT OF 30 March 2005 of the Commission Chairman and Cologne Archbishop Cardinal Joachim Meisner in memory in which it said include:
"It is important to the current edition of the German critical Missal according to the norms and principles of instruction check Liturgiam Authenticam. New and in the Editio typica tertia of the Missale Romanum of 2002 changed text to be translated from scratch. The other texts are to be checked word for word and if necessary to recompile. For these texts, however, is that the previous version, as it is the standard that must not be exceeded. Textual fidelity, intelligibility and linguistic quality (...) may not be lower, but must be reinforced. We do not just need new or different texts, but - where it is necessary and possible. - Better texts "
And then we read today in the press release mentioned not only the above previously cited statements, but also the following:
"We believe that the current German Missal (2nd Edition) well the requirements of a faithful translation corresponds, as in the Vatican instruction" is required Liturgiam authenticam. It has a religious language that has proven itself in the liturgical practice of the last decades. Many texts are priests and believers through the practical implementation familiar. can this high value are not compromised by undergraduate new translation. The reception of the future Missal to be unfairly the translation of single words or basic verification without the need for substantive Replacement been good German texts by alienating new versions are not at risk overall. "
Hello, you go to? A fifty-member commission needs defeated five years to find out that there are to improve on previous missal nothing worth talking about? And the chairman of the German Bishops dares to say so publicly, without being red are and shame to sink into the ground? It sums it is not easy. As a Catholic Christian, except for financial and registration office even in matters of faith to the attribute "Roman" emphasizes and the Church more than its German national caricature à la DBK and ZDK, I feel it only even as a disgrace without equal, be bolder with what callousness here facts twisted.

because of "faithfulness" to the Latin original can be relevant in several texts of the question. This affects not only the paradigm of the "for all" instead of the correct "for many" the "pro multis" of Meßkanons, which also relates to other texts of the Mass Ordinary (especially the Gloria, occasionally even Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei), the changing parts of the Mass to mention. Mentioned by Archbishop Zollitsch "alienated revisions" are things since 1975, the reality in our church services! , Despite their obvious Defects as a sacrosanct place added, moreover, with the reference in that she is now considered "normal" used to reveal, already a significant degree of insolence. (Besides, this argument is very new, because in the 1970s had been no such qualms, as the Catholic faithful to devour over night through and through new Meßordo over bird inside out -. Or die ...)
almost seems pointless to note that the actions of the German Bishops' Conference in this matter in view of the due respect (if not obedience) to the Holy Father is a scandal. You can once again no stone unturned to thwart his efforts to reform the Council wished the liturgy at least in this country and to thwart. Nowhere are words, will and desire of the German pope less than in his homeland, as it seems. And the leaves on the day specified delaying tactics are concerned that some makers have already secretly a new pontificate in sight, with which the current trouble could spare it.
Two considerations are, however, that feed my hope that this incredible behavior is ultimately to be regarded only as a desperate gasp of a lying on its last legs mismanagement. Firstly, the "we" of Press release does not hide the fact that it is probably also in the German Bishops' Conference of real shepherds that match the heart with the Holy Father and which the revision of the missal in his mind is a concern. That they are not yet publicly come out, you may regret one hand, evaluate the other hand, in a show of diplomacy with which they (almost certainly is happening) rejection too "free" wait and texts by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship at first.
For this authority to the second, has already demonstrated in the now completed new version of the English Missal, that they are not intimidated or the table can be pulled to make and in terms of textual fidelity false considerations of "interpretation" or bad habits is willing. If the future German missal nearly so carefully at the Latin original is like the English, then much would be gained.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Implantation Increased Mucus

sad anniversary

Three years ago today, the Feast of the Holy Cross in 2007, joined the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum " by Pope Benedict XVI. in force, with the celebration of Holy Mass and the Office according to the liturgical books of 1962, again without limitation for the whole church was allowed. In his former ACCOMPANYING LETTER to this legal text, the Holy Father to the bishops, among other things: can
"Moreover, both forms of usage of the rite Romanus fertilize each other: (...) In the celebration of Mass according to the Missal of Paul VI can. stronger than ever is the case, well, appear that sacredness that draws many people to the former usage. The surest guarantee that the Missal of Paul VI. municipalities one and is loved by them consists in the awesome performance of its requirements , of its spiritual richness and theological depth of his can be seen. "
Today, three years later, one must determine disillusioned that this papal wishes, at least in the southern Bavarian "Pope" dioceses that I can see something that was consistently ignored and will. In none of the Diocese Homepages of Passau, Regensburg and Munich-Freising is found today a note on this occasion: just a symptom, not more - but a telling symptom. Here, where it holds so much to highlight the life stages of the current pope, due, it has clearly not necessary to devote to with particular enthusiasm his concerns: "We are (themselves) Pope!"
in the various parishes of my diocese, I among others through church music services closer know, I would not like to bet that the relevant minister the contents of the Motu Proprio might reasonably indicate true (which of course apply to other liturgical-related announcements such as "Redemptionis Sacramentum" is expected). A few places are there, even though they where the Holy Mass is celebrated more or less regularly in the "extraordinary form of the Roman Rite", without reliable car and a fuel-erkleckliches budget will remain but their visit is a rare case.
What would be much more important, namely in the quotation above mentioned conception of the "New Mass" by the spiritual richness of the "old" knowledge is happening in my area absolutely not. celebrate Still, most priests according to the motto "In my parish I am the Pope," every few miles you will find a regional self-Rite, the older the celebrants are, the more "creative" often is her handling of the Meßformularen (in 15 years Diocese of Passau I can remember at least weekly church attendance in spite of hardly a fair that would not have at least a basic requirement of "Redemptionis Sacramentum" ignored). Latin Masses in the "ordinary form", perhaps with an attractive church music or even Gregorian chant, are simply non-existent. The Pope himself is these conditions well known, but he writes in the accompanying letter referred to literally
"... especially since the new missal in many places his order not true celebration, but almost as authorizing or even requiring creativity" was conceived, which frequently led to deformations of the liturgy almost unbearable. I speak from experience, since I've lived through that period with all its hopes and its confusion. And I saw how deeply people who are totally rooted in the faith of the Church, were violated by the arbitrary deformations of the liturgy. "
But that does not help us, the Pope is far away, even if it comes from here. Sun remains the remaining Catholics in our area for now no choice but to continue get with the dry black bread and stale water of all places and singular narrow-liturgy the small mustard seed hope for improvement in life, rather than the wine of joy to fill a rich Catholic liturgy, as it Pope Benedict wants us to set before so much.

Does Peace Sign Sideways Mean

Culture Forest echo

With a record of 7,500 visitors at 32 events in 10 days this past Sunday, the third culture Forest Music Festival has come to an end. Discussions of the last concerts in the features section of the Passauer Neue Presse today HERE and HERE be read. Thanks again this is expected large crowds a "black zero" under the economic accounting.
place next year 2011, the festival 1 to 11 September. should And there are already plans to refurbish the existing structure of the program the audience, the "Adalbert-Stifter-Stadel" at Wild-Berghof Buchet be an opera stage:
"" To do we umkonstruieren the yard for the festival time the moment we are working on. the technical implementation, "says Thomas E. Bauer. is to be staged Mozart's" Magic Flute ". Why just this work?" That makes sense, because the writer, Emanuel Schikaneder, was a native of Straubing. Then you could Tamino in a leather pants and Pamina stuck in a dirndl. It could also be a great Gäubodenbauer Sarastro, Thomas E. Bauer is already slowing down any more. "
(Deggendorfer newspaper today, link is not publicly available.)
So we can look forward to the next season

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Does The Beetle Have A Flower

III (K) is a romantic story ...

... or: HOW TO BE CHEATING - A TRUE STORY told the Munich composer Moritz Eggert on BAD BLOG OF MUSICK , one of the blogs the NEW MUSIC MAGAZINE .
so beautiful that one could not invent it!

Chancres In The Mouth

Culture Forest Echo Forest Echo II

In the old brewhouse in Schwarzach (Landkreis Straubing-Bogen) guested on Wednesday as part of the cultural forest music festival, the Munich Brass Quintet "Harmonic Brass" and wowed the audience with an equally pleasing and technically polished occurs. In the features section of the Passauer Neue Presse today MY REVIEW THIS to read.
"" One Day Of Music "in the rustic setting of the old brewhouse Schwarzacher - rarely was a" day "by so fast and entertaining and if there is an audience award for the most successful cultural forest concert there would be Hans Zellner and Gergely Lukacs (trumpet), Andreas Binder (horn), Thomas Lux (trombone) and Manfred Häberlein (tuba) Ensure all first candidate for this because at this force simply has it all: the skills, performance, the repertoire.
Nothing that was written since Bach of good, beautiful music, is safe from their instrumental mastery, neither Grieg's "Morning Mood" from "Peer Gynt" or Bach's D minor Toccata, including joint, or Handel's "Ombra mai fu "and" Queen of Sheba, "Rossini's" William Tell "Overture and the" carnival in Venice "by Jean-Baptiste Arban, or medleys from children's songs and melodies of John Williams, Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rrss Frss Adjustment Xtra 10


The spectacular opening concert of the cultural forest music festival with Moritz Eggert's "De Avaritia" and Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" has learned in advance a considerable media presence (including reports more in the radio programs and television news of the Bavarian Radio). The review is publicly accessible online include today a REPORT IN FEUILLETON in an interview with That very accurately to the successful and artistically compelling performance especially of the "Carmina Burana" in front of 1000 listeners received:
"climax but are then but the" Carmina Burana "itself, not only because the ladies of the Lofoten Voices at the Norwegian mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland and the gentlemen of the Max-Reger-association present polished choral singing. Not only because Susan Bernard soprano full of shimmering heat an uplifting solo can follow to the next, and Thomas E. Bauer, and sound and -Fury-Altus David Erler despite all the hardships helicopter achieve great shape. Not only because Phil Amelung at the desk a masterpiece is doing and his many, many singers to highly motivated. "
A short VIDEO CONTRIBUTION about the premiere of" De Avaritia " by Moritz Eggert can be seen in the Passauer Neue Presse.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Period Is Really Mucousy

I call the (cultural) forest!

This Friday, September 3, the CULTURE FOREST-MUSIC FESTIVAL start in his third season, and all the readers that in the immediate vicinity or catchment area of the Bavarian Forest to Deggendorf would be, I hereby the odd visit to the NUMEROUS EVENTS recommend warmly. Some highlights from the versatile program is specifically cautioned:

Already on Thursday 2 September, held as "Eve" to the festival in the town hall Deggendorf a performance of "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff. Spectacular promises to link this work with the premiere of "De Avaritia" by Moritz Eggert to be, which is designed as a scenic prologue to Orff's classic and brought part of the performance in helicopter flying from Bayerisch Eisenstein to the Stadthalle Deggendorf.

For Sunday 5 September, was mainly attributable to the Concerts at 18.00 clock referenced to hear Team the pianist Jos van Immerseel in the palace pleasure grove in Passau before it on 10 September in Bremen, which is endowed with 25,000 € MUSIC FESTIVAL AWARD BREMEN gets enough 2010.

On Monday 6 September, should the trip be worth in the parish church of Viechtach where to hear at 20.00 clock choral music by Grieg, Mendelssohn and Strauss, performed by the female voices of the Norwegian Lofoten Voices "and the male chorus" Max-Reger-association, " in 2006 the first Prize at the German Choir Competition in Kiel won.

On Tuesday 7 September, the concert promises at 22.00 Clock to the beautiful Baroque Hall of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten be interesting to find out "imitatio naturae - sound and speech sound paintings he ind Renaissance vocal music" on the agenda.

following day, Wednesday, 8 September, guest ensemble "Harmonic Brass" in the old brewhouse in Schwarzach - a hot tip for friends cared most brass music.

A night concert on Saturday 11 September, at 22.30 clock leads the world-famous ensemble Quadro Nuevo Tango music at the main venue of the festival, the Adalbert-Stifter-Stadel in the game at Berghof Buchet Bernried district Deggendorf.

The last day ( Sunday, September 12 ), is crowded with high-profile appointments: At 11:00 clock guest string quartet "Engegårdkvartetten" with pianist Uta Hielscher in the monastery hall of Walderbach; at 14.00 clock is alto Franz Vitzthum loads in the surrounding area Buchet a Walking tour with lute songs of the 16th and 17 Century. The appearance of George and Ringo band at 17.00 clock in Buchet is already sold, at 20.00 clock takes place in the final concert Buchet - such as getting involved with a varied program in which many artists of the festival are again.

The main venue of the cultural forest-music festivals:
The Wild Berghof family Gstettenbauer in Buchet.

After two solid seasons, the CULTURE FOREST in established Buchet already one of the most prominent music festivals in Eastern Bavaria - not only by the magnificent landscape in which it takes place, but above all by the unique blend of the program and the easy, casual atmosphere, which brings together artists and audiences as close as little at another music event. Again warm invitation!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How To Make Like Jibjab Characters

Even the highways department ...

... a German episcopate obviously knows how the Church finds the right way:

Photo: (c) C. Weber 2010

Prima! Just had to the relevant authorities that will actually follow the path laid down. Should it really be with the alleged Teutonic orderliness no problem, right?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7

News from NGL ;-)

"Long live the ..." - No, not the sport, but:

of Mitbloggerin Sponsa AGNI the equally creative and industrious Blogger colleague Lord ALIPIUS from the Augustinian Canons of Klosterneuburg near Vienna on the Austrian pop classics by Rainhard Fendrich a "Pope anthem composed, which can indeed miss something the Austrian abuse of the original, but otherwise it takes the No. 1 ultra-Catholic in the N ( ew) G (has eistliches) L (ied) charts.
Hopefully occurs Rainhard Fendrich from the rights to the melody on favorable terms, so that an early first performance (such as the deacon ordination of the librettist on 8 September), nothing stands in the way!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Story Of Groping Molested In Crowded Bus Train

Premio non assegnato ...

... It is also this year on the website of FONDAZIONE GUIDO D'AREZZO , where since Recently, the results of this year's 37th are the International Composition Competition "Guido d'Arezzo" reported. Neither the first nor the second prize was awarded. A (undoped) received honorable mention is the piece "Dos palabras" was born in 1963 Ivo Antognini from Aranno in Switzerland.

statue of the monk Guido of Arezzo
Photo: Wikipedia

As the LIST OF WINNERS can be seen since 1995, so the eighth year in Episode no first prize award - the previously received last year 2002 my motet "Vanitas". Whether that was really good, I can not judge yourself at ease - she has been listed since its premiere in Tuscany Arezzo in 2003 by the Concert Choir of the University of Manila, at least not as far as I know. Despite various efforts has so far found no choir, who would have dared to the admittedly not very simple piece.
However, I think it very unfortunate that the highly respected competition of Arezzo is not able to attract capable composer, with quality and original works (which I hardly can believe). After all, the prize money of 5,000 € and 2,500 € for the first and second Price remarkable after all. What I do not hope is that the regular non-award of prizes of the Foundation with financial difficulties has to do - or that the jury changes every year simply create utopian standards.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cover Basketball Net For Wedding

"Great churches, but no people in it"

I would be remiss at this point in a highly readable REPORT OF HANNES Hintermeier in today's online edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung noted that one in its neutral observational language in bluntly content may safely be called a model for that quality journalism, which can painfully in the Church of reporting in recent months as many times missed.

underpinned, with statements of the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter-van Elst Tebartz and the last two years studying in Frankfurt Cameroonian priest Andrew Ngah Behind Meier describes the desolate state of all the relevant points of the Catholic Church in Germany. Some quotes from the long text.
"The public image of the Catholic Church in Germany is marked by the blows of the monastery brothers, an alcoholic bishop pedophile and homosexual priests, the ministers support expected either public or each other off, reigning over all the supposedly. Pope distanced from Germany, the pull it into this whirlpool is not quite succeeded. There was no lack of attempts. (...) The role of the pope in the Church is misinterpreted it with enthusiasm -.. As he would a football coach or CEO "
" solidarity with the Pope is especially among German bishops, no discipline "
"Forty years have passed since the departure, the soixante soon go into retirement. They voted her course to the needs of society benefited, also has nothing. Now is spreading in the face of faith wither landscape disillusionment. Believing without belonging: Church today is like a religious service society taken, Caritas and Diakonia enjoy a better reputation than the official churches. Active community work is already less popular, and so the word not make use of the "heartwood" the rounds: a shrinking core of some very dedicated assets determines the environment and the atmosphere in the community, "
" The church reached ten social milieu. only three: Conservatives, Traditionalists, and parts of the civil center. No chance for hedonists, consumer idealists or so-called "modern performers. They have other goals on Sunday. "
" "The Catholic Church is universal world church, which is located in local churches. Evangelischerseits there is the understanding of a country church with a strong location "Does for Catholics. The place must not self-sufficient. He does that often enough, often including the priest. Since the Sunday sermon will be used to draw attention to their own religious doubts - rather than to interpret the gospel. And how to deal softened and careless with the liturgy: As is no bridge built for the younger generation who know not what is happening, because it tells them no one "
" For the writer Martin Mosebach fixed.: Here is a large-scale experiment has failed. The "aggiornamento-church", the adaptive Church, had tasted generations faith. Tebartz-van Elst supports the theory, insofar as he concedes: "Liturgy is not event. God is with us. All activism in the liturgy has apparently not contributed to a deepening of faith. "
" The Central Committee of German Catholics, for instance, an alliance of several religious organizations, usually speaks in the style of the highest authority, although it is not legitimate, " "to represent Catholics."
Read the rest, it's worth
And the private note, it should be allowed: In the next General Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference This report should be read as a single agenda item and meditate - and then draw the necessary conclusions from it. They could really only be to finally put an end to the failed "Pastoral," the Catholic conforms more to the world rather than to evangelize the world. Especially the Church in our country would not have time looking for a role model for the necessary U-turn - we have since 2005, as Bishop Tebartz-van Elst knows
"" Pope Benedict is a belief that the substance capable of is to guide the discourse in this world - for the winning profile of a church with a depth and breadth ""
"Yes, but then finally does what he says," one might call the Limburg Pastors and all his colleagues - "and that quickly, with the energetic commitment of real shepherd!"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chocolate And Baby Blue Furniture

Domkapellmeisterin Germany

Lucia Hilz
Photo: (c)

As the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising announced today is Since 2008, the vacant office of the Director of Music Munich 1 September 2010 filled. Lucia Hilz (35) takes the first time in Germany a woman of that office. Since holding the world long ago not only the leadership of the cleric cathedral music, it's actually a wonder that of all people in this country this bastion of masculinity has for so long.
Hilz woman I could meet in September 2009, than on the occasion of "Days of new church music" in Bavaria, the world premiere of my composition "Christmas" prepared and conducted, which had won the composition competition the first prize. Given the professionalism with which they went to work here, and her pleasant manner, I have not the slightest doubt that she brings to her new post, the best conditions.
Lady Hilz, very warm congratulations on your appointment, and God's blessing for your hopefully many years of service at the Munich Episcopal Church!