Whenever you think ...
.. ... it could no longer get worse, will meet the bishops' conference - this sigh of a friendly church musician today confirms that
PRESS RELEASE OF DBK to the end of this year's fall General Assembly once again how there can be found under the section 7 "Liturgy":
" Ordo Missae - German Translation:
We have dealt with the German translation of the Missal (Ordo Missae) in 2002. The Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner has presented to us as President of the Episcopal Commission Ecclesia Celebrans, the newly developed translation for resolution. (...)
The German Bishops' Conference now sets the new measurement texts to the Roman authorities for its approval "
So far, so good, one would think -..? In fact, one wonders one after the introduction of the Editio typica tertia of the Missale Romanum in 2002, once over a three year long wait of the competent bishops, until finally 2005 Commission is constituted, that an interaction of openness and transparency, said that the Italian Mafia whether such "omerta" would be green with envy - out members of the Commission, similar to the search for a needle in the Internet and the website
http: / / www.ecclesiacelebrans.de is in their timeliness almost surpassed the Book of Genesis. Since you have still the
STATEMENT OF 30 March 2005 of the Commission Chairman and Cologne Archbishop Cardinal Joachim Meisner in memory in which it said include:
"It is important to the current edition of the German critical Missal according to the norms and principles of instruction check Liturgiam Authenticam. New and in the Editio typica tertia of the Missale Romanum of 2002 changed text to be translated from scratch. The other texts are to be checked word for word and if necessary to recompile. For these texts, however, is that the previous version, as it is the standard that must not be exceeded. Textual fidelity, intelligibility and linguistic quality (...) may not be lower, but must be reinforced. We do not just need new or different texts, but - where it is necessary and possible. - Better texts "
And then we read today in the press release mentioned not only the above previously cited statements, but also the following:
"We believe that the current German Missal (2nd Edition) well the requirements of a faithful translation corresponds, as in the Vatican instruction" is required Liturgiam authenticam. It has a religious language that has proven itself in the liturgical practice of the last decades. Many texts are priests and believers through the practical implementation familiar. can this high value are not compromised by undergraduate new translation. The reception of the future Missal to be unfairly the translation of single words or basic verification without the need for substantive Replacement been good German texts by alienating new versions are not at risk overall. "
Hello, you go to? A fifty-member commission needs defeated five years to find out that there are to improve on previous missal nothing worth talking about? And the chairman of the German Bishops dares to say so publicly, without being red are and shame to sink into the ground? It sums it is not easy. As a Catholic Christian, except for financial and registration office even in matters of faith to the attribute "Roman" emphasizes and the Church more than its German national caricature à la DBK and ZDK, I feel it only even as a disgrace without equal, be bolder with what callousness here facts twisted.
because of "faithfulness" to the Latin original can be relevant in several texts of the question. This affects not only the paradigm of the "for all" instead of the correct "for many" the "pro multis" of Meßkanons, which also relates to other texts of the Mass Ordinary (especially the Gloria, occasionally even Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei), the changing parts of the Mass to mention. Mentioned by Archbishop Zollitsch "alienated revisions" are things since 1975, the reality in our church services! , Despite their obvious Defects as a sacrosanct place added, moreover, with the reference in that she is now considered "normal" used to reveal, already a significant degree of insolence. (Besides, this argument is very new, because in the 1970s had been no such qualms, as the Catholic faithful to devour over night through and through new Meßordo over bird inside out -. Or die ...)
almost seems pointless to note that the actions of the German Bishops' Conference in this matter in view of the due respect (if not obedience) to the Holy Father is a scandal. You can once again no stone unturned to thwart his efforts to reform the Council wished the liturgy at least in this country and to thwart. Nowhere are words, will and desire of the German pope less than in his homeland, as it seems. And the leaves on the day specified delaying tactics are concerned that some makers have already secretly a new pontificate in sight, with which the current trouble could spare it.
Two considerations are, however, that feed my hope that this incredible behavior is ultimately to be regarded only as a desperate gasp of a lying on its last legs mismanagement. Firstly, the "we" of Press release does not hide the fact that it is probably also in the German Bishops' Conference of real shepherds that match the heart with the Holy Father and which the revision of the missal in his mind is a concern. That they are not yet publicly come out, you may regret one hand, evaluate the other hand, in a show of diplomacy with which they (almost certainly is happening) rejection too "free" wait and texts by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship at first.
For this authority to the second, has already demonstrated in the now completed new version of the English Missal, that they are not intimidated or the table can be pulled to make and in terms of textual fidelity false considerations of "interpretation" or bad habits is willing. If the future German missal nearly so carefully at the Latin original is like the English, then much would be gained.