Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Honey X Honey Drop Raw


Protopresbyter mitrophoros
Dr. Andreas Thiermeyer

has just reached me via e-mail the happy news that our dear father's friend Dr. Andreas Their Meyer, I made the acquaintance of my wonderful wife owe us and once married, on 10 October, the honorary title of Archimandrite awarded:
"honorary title" Archimandrite "for pilgrimage Rector Andreas Thiermeyer - Church of Ukraine recognizes achievements of Eichstätt diocesan priest
Eichstätt / Velburg. (Pde) - Bishop Milan Sasik, Mukachevo (Ukraine), on 10 October Eichstätter the diocesan priest, Dr. Andreas Thiermeyer the honorary title "Archimandrite" give. In a solemn liturgy will present the Bishop the crucifix, the epigonation (a liturgical garment of the Eastern Church) and the crook. With this award, Bishop Milan Sasik the great merits of animal Andreas Meyer for the Catholic Churches of the East, particularly for the Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo that it is in the time acquired as rector of the Collegium Orientale and as Chairman of the Community Action Cyril and Methodius. Bishop Milan Sasik is taking with this assessment, a custom which in the Greek and Slavic churches until the 18th Century decline.
Andreas Meyer animal was ordained priest in 1977 for the diocese of Eichstätt. From 1998 to 2008 he directed the Collegium Orientale Eichstätt. Since 2008 he has been rector of the pilgrimage Habsberg and director of the diocesan youth house. Thiermeyer was awarded in 2002 by Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine, the title of a mitrierten Proto presbyter (priest). Thiermeyer is the consultor Vatican Eastern Churches Congregation. "
The heartiest congratulations to our entire family to you, dear Andrew, honorable about this award!


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