Monday, August 9, 2010

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"Great churches, but no people in it"

I would be remiss at this point in a highly readable REPORT OF HANNES Hintermeier in today's online edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung noted that one in its neutral observational language in bluntly content may safely be called a model for that quality journalism, which can painfully in the Church of reporting in recent months as many times missed.

underpinned, with statements of the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter-van Elst Tebartz and the last two years studying in Frankfurt Cameroonian priest Andrew Ngah Behind Meier describes the desolate state of all the relevant points of the Catholic Church in Germany. Some quotes from the long text.
"The public image of the Catholic Church in Germany is marked by the blows of the monastery brothers, an alcoholic bishop pedophile and homosexual priests, the ministers support expected either public or each other off, reigning over all the supposedly. Pope distanced from Germany, the pull it into this whirlpool is not quite succeeded. There was no lack of attempts. (...) The role of the pope in the Church is misinterpreted it with enthusiasm -.. As he would a football coach or CEO "
" solidarity with the Pope is especially among German bishops, no discipline "
"Forty years have passed since the departure, the soixante soon go into retirement. They voted her course to the needs of society benefited, also has nothing. Now is spreading in the face of faith wither landscape disillusionment. Believing without belonging: Church today is like a religious service society taken, Caritas and Diakonia enjoy a better reputation than the official churches. Active community work is already less popular, and so the word not make use of the "heartwood" the rounds: a shrinking core of some very dedicated assets determines the environment and the atmosphere in the community, "
" The church reached ten social milieu. only three: Conservatives, Traditionalists, and parts of the civil center. No chance for hedonists, consumer idealists or so-called "modern performers. They have other goals on Sunday. "
" "The Catholic Church is universal world church, which is located in local churches. Evangelischerseits there is the understanding of a country church with a strong location "Does for Catholics. The place must not self-sufficient. He does that often enough, often including the priest. Since the Sunday sermon will be used to draw attention to their own religious doubts - rather than to interpret the gospel. And how to deal softened and careless with the liturgy: As is no bridge built for the younger generation who know not what is happening, because it tells them no one "
" For the writer Martin Mosebach fixed.: Here is a large-scale experiment has failed. The "aggiornamento-church", the adaptive Church, had tasted generations faith. Tebartz-van Elst supports the theory, insofar as he concedes: "Liturgy is not event. God is with us. All activism in the liturgy has apparently not contributed to a deepening of faith. "
" The Central Committee of German Catholics, for instance, an alliance of several religious organizations, usually speaks in the style of the highest authority, although it is not legitimate, " "to represent Catholics."
Read the rest, it's worth
And the private note, it should be allowed: In the next General Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference This report should be read as a single agenda item and meditate - and then draw the necessary conclusions from it. They could really only be to finally put an end to the failed "Pastoral," the Catholic conforms more to the world rather than to evangelize the world. Especially the Church in our country would not have time looking for a role model for the necessary U-turn - we have since 2005, as Bishop Tebartz-van Elst knows
"" Pope Benedict is a belief that the substance capable of is to guide the discourse in this world - for the winning profile of a church with a depth and breadth ""
"Yes, but then finally does what he says," one might call the Limburg Pastors and all his colleagues - "and that quickly, with the energetic commitment of real shepherd!"


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